Barbara Rasor – coach
Intuitive Coaching

What I Offer
Feeling Stuck?
The best of us feel lost sometimes. Whether you are unsure about a career, a relationship, or health challenges these situations can be overwhelming and difficult to handle. Barbara helps unblock what’s hampering you from being your best self.
The Journey
Every journey is unique and personal. Through my intuitive process, I identify what your body is trying to tell you. I give it voice and help you hear what needs to be correct or let go of in order to move forward.

Personal Coaching
Over the past 20+ years, Barbara has acquired thousands of hours of training and experience not only in the medical field, but as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Intuitive Coach. She has helped numerous clients gain insights and have a better understanding of their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
What I Do
Intuitive Coaching
As an intuitive coach, I help guide individuals through a process of self-discovery, a discovery of their best. I help them embrace, process and release emotions that keep them stuck and give them tools to continue the process. I believe we all have a better version of self and sometimes we need someone who can see that best version show us the way.
What You’ll Learn
- How to let go of fear
- Acquire a deeper inner wisdom
- Change and maintain a positive attitude
- Gain control and not be controlled
- Have deeper connections with others